In the News

October 29, 2021
Dear Yale Faculty and Staff, We write today with good news: Yale finished the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 (FY21) with strong financial results. The university recently...
October 13, 2021
Dear SEAS Colleagues, In September of 2020, we charged the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) Strategic Planning Committee—led by SEAS Dean Jeffrey Brock—with...
October 5, 2021
Dear Colleagues, This week begins a period of restoration and renewal for the university, as the balance of staff who have been working remotely start to return to campus. To...
September 22, 2021
Summary: Faculty and staff currently coming to campus for work should continue their in-person work arrangements. Staff currently working remotely will begin a phased...
September 1, 2021
Dear Members of the Yale Community, At Yale, we help people learn, grow, and change their lives and our world for the better. Welcoming students to campus for in-person...
August 27, 2021
Dear Colleagues, I am excited to share with you the strategic vision report [Yale netID and password required] of the Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science (SEAS...
August 25, 2021
Summary: This email clarifies several important faculty policies for the fall semester.  Dear Faculty Colleagues, As we begin this new academic year, I am inspired by your...