In the News

August 9, 2023
[Summary: Julie Beth Zimmerman will serve as the university’s inaugural vice provost for planetary solutions, effective September 1, 2023.]  Dear Colleagues,  I am pleased...
May 18, 2023
Dear Fellow Members of the Yale Faculty and Staff, Last fall, the members of the University Cabinet sent a joint message to the Yale community to thank you for the work you...
May 2, 2023
To: Deans, faculty who oversee postdoctoral associates and fellows, postdoctoral associates and fellows, all lead administrators   [Summary: Yale will raise its...
Silliman College
March 30, 2023
To: All Eligible Faculty and Faculty Who May Become Eligible; Deans Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce some recent changes to the university’s policies on emeritus...
March 8, 2023
To: Certain Term-Limited Faculty Members; Deans Dear Colleagues, I write to announce a phased retirement plan for certain term-limited faculty members. This plan provides...
January 24, 2023
Dear Colleagues, We write today to increase faculty awareness about the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies that have been released recently. These...
December 16, 2022
Dear Yale Faculty and Staff, In recent years, Yale has charted an aggressive path for the future of teaching and research at the university. Our priorities are based on the...