In the News

May 2, 2013
In a memo to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, President-elect Peter Salovey and Provost Ben Polak announced the formation of an ad hoc committee to look at faculty input in...
March 7, 2013
In a memo to Yale faculty, Provost Ben Polak provided details on the impact to Yale of federal spending reductions affecting the Department of Education, National Institutes...
March 6, 2013
President-Elect Peter Salovey and Provost Ben Polak wrote to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to outline the processes and policies related to visiting teaching appointments...
January 24, 2013
Provost Ben Polak wrote to Yale faculty and staff to describe the University’s budget-planning process for fiscal year 2014.  To read the full announcement, please...
January 14, 2013
University President Richard C. Levin and President-Elect Peter Salovey announced the appointment of Ben Polak—the William C. Brainard Professor and chair of the Department...
November 15, 2012
In a memo to Yale faculty, Provost Peter Salovey announced the establishment of the expanded Yale Teaching Center, under the leadership of Director Bill Rando, and the launch...
November 8, 2012
Provost Peter Salovey was announced as the University’s next president, succeeding Richard C. Levin, effective June 30, 2013.  For more information, follow the links...