Karen Anderson

Associate Provost for Academic Resources & Faculty Development
2 Whitney Avenue (Whitney Grove Square Bldg), Suite 400, Room 402

Karen Anderson’s responsibilities include policies and procedures related to faculty recruiting, appointments, promotions, leaves, and related academic resources, as well as initiatives in support of faculty  life and community. She oversees a team including the Senior Director of Faculty Administrative Services and the Office of Faculty Administrative Services. She supports initiatives related faculty career advancement.  She oversees Yale’s biennial university-wide faculty climate survey.  She serves as Yale’s Accreditation Liaison Officer to the New England Commission on Higher Education.  She serves on the advisory council for Andover Seminary at the Yale Divinity School. She is a member of the steering committee of the Faculty Advancement Network. She joined Yale in 2015 after serving for 13 years at Wesleyan University. She is a fellow at Trumbull College. She holds a B.A. in philosophy from Hunter College and an A.M. and Ph.D. in history of religions from the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Tracy Edwards