Advisory Committee of the Yale Center for Geospatial Solutions (YCGS)

The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide strategic guidance and advise on the goals and operation of YCGS to the Executive Director, Jennifer Marlon, and Faculty Co-Directors, Karen Seto, Professor of Geography and Urbanization Science, and Costas Arkolakis, Professor of Economics. 
The overall mission of YCGS is to create geospatial knowledge that solves humanity’s most pressing challenges.  
We will achieve our mission by: 
    - Enabling transformative research
    - Convening uncommon connections among individuals, organizations, and networks
    - Empowering action to create positive outcomes for people and the Planet.  
Given the intrinsically interdisciplinary nature of the center’s mission, its success depends upon the contributions and support of a diverse Advisory Committee.  I anticipate that the Advisory Committee will meet once or twice each semester.  


  • Costas Arkolakis
  • Karen Seto


  • Phillip Bernstein
  • Kai Chen
  • Michael Crair, ex officio 
  • Xuhui Lee
  • Maureen Long
  • Sparkle Malone 
  • Ahmed Mobarak
  • William Rankin 
  • Carla Staver